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About Junko

Junko Nishiguchi Cheng grew up in Osaka, Japan, and is now based in Southern California. Starting out as a featured vocalists on NHK television in Tokyo during college, this bilingual singer's performances have since taken her all over California, Hawaii, Japan, Australia, Brazil, Peru, Paraguay, and Canada. She has shared the stage with artists such as Michael W. Smith, Mark Schultz, and Avalon and with speakers such as Pastor Rick Warren, John Townsend and Tony Campolo. Her songs have been featured on Worship Leader Magazine's SongDiscovery CD, and she is currently a worship leader at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA.

Junko is proud to be an Artist Associate with World Vision and has helped acquire over 1600 sponsors for children around the world. You're likely to find Junko leading worship at Saddleback Church or doing a family concert at churches and camps when she is not busy at home with her husband David and their children, Joshua and Megumi.

With her infectious smile and bubbly personality, Junko's concerts are sure to lift your spirits. She is available for kids' concerts, adults worship leading, and special music for women's events. She is also a popular speaker as she poignantly shares her struggles when she moved from Japan as a young girl to New York, not knowing the culture nor the language, but eventually meeting Christ. This story is told in her memoir, "From the Land of the Rising Sun: A Journey to Acceptance, Identity, and Belonging" from Redemption Press.

Junko recently released her 10th CD titled "Lavishing God," an album of hymns and worship songs in both English and Japanese. "God has been gracious in using a girl like me to spread the love of Christ through my music," says Junko.  "I am excited in this new season to reach my own people through these beloved hymns in their own language."

シンガー・ソングライター/ Junko (ジュンコ・ニシグチ・チェング)




現在はアメリカ、日本をはじめ国境を超えて活動。ソウルフルな歌声と力強い証しを通して神の愛を届けている。カリフォルニアのサドルバック教会では13年以上に亘り賛美リーダーを務めた。魅力溢れる笑顔と明るく陽気な性格で、大人から子どもまで幅広い年齢層を対象としたコンサートやワーシップのワークショップには定評がある。日本では、日本語で歌う童謡や英語の賛美を自然に組み合せ、ユニークなスタイルの コンサートを行っている。


松任谷由実、八神純子、マイケル・W・スミス、マーク・シュルツ、アバロン等著名なアーティストとも多数共演。最近では、テイラー・スウィフトの最新ミュージックビデオ 「デリケート」に抜擢され一躍注目を集めた。CMにも数多く出演。ラジオ番組("Junko's Big & Small Radio Show”)のパーソナリティとしても活躍している。







日本語と英語による賛美歌、童謡、ワーシップソングを収めたCD「Lavishing GOD」など10枚のアルバムをリリース。


著書「日出づる国より~受容、アイデンティティ、帰属を求める旅路」(洋書 "From the Land of Rising Sun: A Journey to Acceptance, Identity, and Belonging”, Redemption Press)

Junko 日本での働きフエイスブックページリンク


Other links
​Junko's voice studio
Music Booking


Jan Smith at Behind the Voice

(615) 599-9809


Acting/Modeling Agency


Pacific Talent & Models

Manhattan Beach, CA

Phone: 310-321-7670



Junko's kids music


Click on the photo to read a Billboard Magazine article about how Junko appeared on Taylor Swift's "Delicate" music video.

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